Sunday, July 26, 2009

August 9th - ARC Animal Expo

OK shutterbugs!

ARC Animal Expo - Picture Contest JUST for Rescues

Dog/Puppy Categories:
Silliest Sleeping Position
Best Lick (self, another animal, or person)
Most Expressive Eyes
Best Dog with Child Picture

Cat/Kitten Categories:
Silliest Sleeping Position
Best Snuggle (another animal or person)
Most Playful
Best Cat with Child Picture

How to enter: Bring a picture that fits into one of the categories above to the Expo. You may enter as many times as you would like. Please put your Rescue's name on the back of the picture.

We will post on a board and have the public vote during the day. The picture with the most votes in each category Wins. Contest will start at 10:30 and winners will be announced at 3:30.

These pictures can be of your adoptable animals – we thought it would help to adopt them. If the animal is adoptable, we will put that below the picture. We are being a little sneaky as well as having fun.

The prize will be a Dog/Cat care package. You may keep the prize for yourself, give it to the person that adopts the animal, or whatever you would like.

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