Sunday, March 20, 2011

ACAPL update

Been a busy couple of weeks with back-to-back puppy days and the shelter re-opening! A quarantine and shelter operation foster homes volunteering to help donations of cleaning supplies filling the APL awesome effort bringing quality people together to take care of the animals!

So let's see...

Adoption updates: adult dogs Patches, Sandie, Remus, Leroy, Munchkin and Freedom all went home from Green well as Bradley the cat...and shelter puppies Addison and Kenzie. And, of course all the mall and PetSmart puppies (the H's, the V's, the J's, the C's, the Z's, Mindy, Ricky, King, Mia, Poppy, three of the M's, and four of the T's...I think that's everyone).

Kudos to EVERYONE who makes it all possible! Fosters, volunteers, donors, veterinarians and friends & supporters. And to the amazing staff who put their hearts and souls into this every single day...THANK YOU! You ladies are awesome!

Now we're looking forward to a couple of FUN fundraising events coming up soon. The Carnival on April 1st and the Kitten Shower on April 3rd. We hope you'll join us for one or the other...or both!

Members...the newsletter is running a little late, but it should be out sometime this week. Keep an eye on your email inbox!

If you're not a member, consider joining us today. Membership is $20/year and in return you get the quarterly newsletter and the inside scoop on all the ACAPL goings-on.

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